Over a course of the month, the Vancouver Olympic games have been going on and today, they finally come to a close. I am currently watching the Closing Ceremony of the Olimpics. There is this really cool dance happening with snowboards, and the entire American team comes out along with all the other nations. I was also watching the Gold Men's Hockey game, and it was great! Except Canada won the game. Well, here is what happened. The game was going on, and Canada had 2 points, and America had 1 points. There was 10 seconds left of the game. Then suddenly, someone from the American team scored a goal!!!! Than the teams were tied, and the spectators were forced to overtime the game. So, they gave the players 20 extra minutes to play. The game was going good, and then it happened. The canadian team scored a goal, and the game was over. Oh,well. It was their home game so I guess they deserved to win it anyway. But the Olympics overall was great! My favorite sport was Ice skating. It was really fun to watch, and in the end, the Canadian skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir won the group skate. South Korea's Kim Yu-Na won the womans skate, and America's Evan Lysachek won the mens skate. I was inspired by watching them, and now I wish to someday be in the Olympics, and join the fun, excitement, and adventure!!! : )
PS: I put a picture of South Korean Ice Skater Kim Yu-Na, and below that, a picture of the Winter Olympics stadium.